7 Tips How To Avoid Scam When Buying Jade Jewelry Online - Jade-collector.com

7 Tips How To Avoid Scam When Buying Jade Jewelry Online

Most of Jadeite Jade Traders are proud of their trustworthiness and goodwill in the old days. Now we saw more and more people shopping online daily, and lots of scammers who like to make fast money take this advantage and show up. As it is very easy to set up a website in just some hours and also some dropshippers just post some photos taken from their wholesalers' websites then start doing their dropshipping business, we saw more and more people got scammed. It is impossible to stop all the scams, So the only way left is to educate more shoppers and upgrade their knowledge and remind them to be cautious before confirming their orders. Knowing how to avoid them will keep your money safe and great shopping experience.


Tips on How To Avoid Scam When Buying Jade Jewelry Online

1) Do not or be caution when buy something look very expensive like those auction pc sold on sotheby's
A ring worth for 20k USD or more, most serious seller will not choose to sell those online, we also worry to got scam too, and those look very expenstive only try to hunt you to make an purchase, end up you may received a ring that colour was done by treatment, or another pc that look similar with the photo.

2) Do not buy from any dropshipping website 

All Dropshipping website do not own or ship that pc of jewelry product your purchase, they just pass your order and take profit in different, they are very hard to control what item will send to you and also after sell service in case something go wrong.

3) Do not buy from anyshop who cannot give you live preview online before you confirm your order

Online chat are very common today, to avoid mistake, always check and preview the item online before seller ship it, you can check again and more make sure what you are buying and what you going to received after waiting for some days or weeks. this is also the best way to avoid scammer switch it to other pcs for any reason.
4) Do not buy any pendant value over 3k USD or Jade bangle over 8k USD , if the seller are new to you. 
Purpose of Scam are trying to steal your money. there is more higher chance you got scam when you buying a 3k product vs 30 USD product. beside that you can find lot of jade seller like us are selling a very nice pendant from 30 to 200 usd why paid overprice?
5) Do not buy from those real-time youtube realtime studio.
Similar as dropshipping, those realtime studio are too easy to open and close and start with other brand name once they got complain. most of them are middle person just to create sales , and i saw lot of them selling Type B jadeite and claim Type A. some of them are clazy enough to just to send you a pc of plastic or anything that i cannot tell.
6) Do not buy from A shop listing more than one,  you found a seller most of listing are one are more secure that those selling a lot by just one pc of photo.
Jadeite jade are  unique, every pc are different and if seller list for 10 item , that mean there will be 9 pcs will be different compare with the photo, and of couse this issue won't be apply for some bracelet with assorted colour
7) Make a Video when you unbox your order.
Do Film by your phone while you unbox your order, in case any item missing or different happen, that will be more easy to locate where or who causing the problem. You will be more safe to make purchase with us, We always give live preview also take photo on what we had ship and send to our customer before we ship out order.
We got A PDF with some photo and information to help you to tell different in Type A and other type B or C , 
Please subscribe and pdf will be ready middle of this month
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