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Type A Jadeite Jade Pendants Flower Series

Type A Jadeite Jade Pendants Flower Series

Regular price $280.00 USD
Regular price $280.00 USD Sale price $280.00 USD
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  • Natural jadeite jade is known in the trade as A Grade means the jade is NOT treated by chemicals. This Gem's material occurs in a wide variety of colors that include green, white, lavender, yellow, blue, black, red, orange, and gray.

  • Jadeite jade is believed to have healing power and ward off evil spirits. The healing properties of jade are very useful for emotional healing. The soothing energy from jade relieves irritability while helping to eliminate negativity which supports jade meaning. The personality is stabilized through the integration of body and mind.

  • Gifts made from Jadeite jade are given at almost every important station in life, such as birthdays, anniversaries, marriages, and other celebrations. It is also a commonly used material for producing religious art. Table Decor etc.
    Our Gemstone Mohs Hardness measure as 6.5 - 7. Product Size can be found with our image photo.  

  • We only trade with A Grade Natural Jadeite jade, we believe every pc of jadeite we carry are unique. You found most of our listings are only 1 available, photo was tooked from our in-house studio before we ship out. you will never found your purchase different with our photo. Feel free to contact us for more detail.

  • 本店所有吊墜產品 都贈送扣頭或綁繩天然翡翠在珠宝行業中被稱為A級,表示未經任何化學處理的纯天然翡翠。本店也只銷售A级天然翡翠。翡翠被認定具有治愈能力,可抵禦邪靈。翡翠具有治療特性對於情緒治療非常有用。可提供舒緩能量可緩解煩躁情緒,同時有助於消除我們的消極情緒。通過身心的整合來穩定我們的身心。翡翠顏色很多,包括綠色,白色,濃及淡紫色,黃色,藍色,黑色,紅色,橙色在我們生活中的每個重要節日都會用翡翠玉石製成禮物來赠送,例如生日,週年紀念日,結婚,父母親節及其他慶祝活動。它也是宗教藝術常用的材料。家居擺設裝飾等等。我們的翡翠寶石莫氏硬度為6.5-7。每件產品的尺寸可以在我們的圖像照片中找到。我們總部設立在香港,在國內設有加工廠,翡翠原石料都是由緬甸及南美洲危地馬拉進口,生產的翡翠都是A級天然翡翠,在全世界不同銷售平台都有設立品牌商店,在美國專利商標局 (USPTO) 已登記品牌14宝石级,IC 014. US 002 027 028 050. G & S: Jadeite jade. FIRST USE: 20200701. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 20200701 大家可以放心購買,我們相信每件翡翠都是獨一無二的。您會發現我們的清單中只有1件可出售,所有照片是在我們發貨之前在自設工作室實物拍攝。您不會發現我們的照片與您收到的貨品有所不同。由於本店產品價格合理,流轉速度快,為避免確認訂單後缺貨 客戶可先預留確認,價值一百美元以上的產品我們可為大家提供網上一對一檢測鑑定後才出貨 , 為顧客提供最完美的購物體驗 。
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